College graduation. Those two words have been haunting me in my dreams for the past seven months. I sometimes have nightmares about failing a class and not being able to graduate or falling off the stage after receiving my diploma. Once I even had a nightmare that my graduation gown was a big, scary monster with a face that looked like Mike Tyson chasing me through the halls of Otterbein College (I’ll have to ask my shrink about that one). All I know is that graduation is right around the corner and it’s all I have been able to think about every second of every day.
I keep asking myself over and over and over again, “What the hell am I going to do with my life?” I know for a fact that I am not the only college senior about to graduate asking the very same question. I’m sure it’s pretty normal actually, or so my professors and mentors tell me. But in all honesty, I’m freaking out no matter what anyone tells me. It gets pretty exhausting day after day with all the freaking out and stressing. I wanted to create a support group called “Graduation Freak-out’s,” but that fell through. Now I just resort to tweeting my sorrows away while eating anything chocolate in sight.
Although I am excited to finally be done with school and get my new life started, it is absolutely horrifying not knowing what will happen next. As a student, I would always expect to start another year of school and work my crappy waitressing job and have my life somewhat planned out. Now, with graduation in just a few weeks, I have no clue what will happen with my life. For all I know, I could be back to serving crotchety old people water with plates full of lemons and free bread baskets. Or I could become a young entrepreneur making millions of dollars while gallivanting to luxurious locations around the world. Either way, the thought of not knowing is scary.
One thing I do have going for me is that I have some sort of idealistic plan for my future after graduation. First, I would like to enter into the wonderful professional world of public relations. Second, I will do anything to get out of Ohio and into the amazing New York City or even London. Third, drop everything and just backpack through Europe for the summer. Even though none of those things may happen, it feels a little more relieving knowing I have a potential life plan for after college.
I have learned to lean on my friends and family for support through my graduation hyperventilations. Since they know me the best, my family and friends always know the right things to say to calm me down, even if they aren’t true. I have also turned to my professors and mentors. They are the ones that help me set goals and make a plan to reach them. Last, but not least, I rely a lot on my social networks, like Twitter and Facebook. Before social networks like Twitter and Facebook, I never realized how many random strangers are willing to go to extra lengths to help you. It baffles my mind every day. It’s also a great way to connect with people going through similar experiences; kind of like online therapy.
For all of those lost, scared and confused soon-to-be college graduates, I would like you to know that you are not the only ones who feel that way. Not knowing what happens next in life is quite terrifying, but it’s also very exciting. I have realized that we are approaching a time in our lives where we can do anything we want. Why not go backpacking through Europe or move to a new city? What do you have to lose? Just do what you feel is best for you and follow your dreams. I know, that sounds extremely corny but it’s true! Just one last piece of advice: always wear protection. Isn’t that what everyone’s last piece of advice is?

About Me
- Heather D'Amico
- I've recently graduated college, I'm moving to New York City and I need a job. Not just any job, but a fun and exhilarating PR job in the Big Apple. In this blog I will talk about all things PR, social media, journalism and careers. I know it is going to be a challenge to find my dream PR job, but I want you to join me on my adventure to NYC and my search to find a fabulous PR job. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I enjoy Christian Bale, mosh pitting and anything entertainment related.